Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Interview with L. Parkhill Jessie on Racial Harmony Day Carnival during recess

Interview with L. Parkhill Jessie
His opinions on the Racial Harmony Day Carnival during recess

Did you go/participate in the carnival?

Of course! Who wouldn't be there?

What do you think about it?

Pretty interesting, many people were there browsing the stalls. I was moved by the bond and unity by the many races that attended and participated.

Was there anything that caught your attention?

The fun and enjoyment everyone was having regardless of race, language and religion.

Was there anything you didn't like about the carnival?

I hated it when while everyone else was having fun and enjoying, my friend's nose was bleeding after an accident during the carnival.

If there was anything you could change about the carnival or anything that happened, what would it be?

I would prevent the accident that happened to my friend so that my friend would enjoy and have fun just like everyone else.

Is there anything you would add to the carnival or the events for Racial Harmony Day next year?

Maybe a lot more games or even a concert to celebrate rather than just a booths selling and promoting things for the event.

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